VIP Types

The VIP Types screen allows you to identify the different types and levels of VIPs available for your system (such as Gold, Silver, Guest of Owner, etc.). A guest can be marked as a VIP, with the ability to select different types/levels of VIPs when entering a reservation. This allows you to help define your guests, indicate any special treatment for specific guests and provide you with a meaningful marketing analysis for your Property.

VIP Types also allows the marking of a guest stay with a "lock out functionality" - meaning that the reservation marked with this VIP type cannot be adjusted by the general staff. Once a stay has had this type of VIP status added to it, only those that have the break point “Allow VIP Edit” in their User security group access checked (see Security Groups for more information on setting break points) will have the ability to edit the stay. All others will only be able to check-in and check-out this stay. (Once it has been selected on the reservation, they will also be unable to change the VIP Type status. This ensures that this VIP Type cannot simply be adjusted to a different one to allow the changing of the reservation).

The VIP Types maintenance area allows you to generate the codes for different types and levels of VIPs available in your system, giving you the ability to make VIP codes which are unique and specific to your Property. The list of all the VIP levels currently configured at your Property is also shown here.  These are displayed on the Arrivals Report, the Arrivals, Stayovers and Departures Report, some Housekeeping reports, and the VIP Report specifically allows you to view any stays associated with VIP codes.

This is part of the OPTIONAL configuration for Skyware Systems. You may edit the configuration to suit your Property at any time if you have the appropriate access/authorization.

This selection is part of the Property and System Configuration area of Skyware.



Date Updated July 19, 2023